Saturday, August 1, 2009

Vacation Delights

Our July vacation had multiple delights. An entire week in a beautiful new cabin outside of the delightful town of Alpine, AZ. (close to New Mexico) The White Mountains were not crowded with tourists, wildflowers in abundance, fauna in abundance. Good fishing for Grandad, Nana, Ron and boys. Zac and Lisa were able to come up and spend a couple days with us, on my birthday! I read Cathy Johnson's Sierra Club Guide to Sketching in Nature and doodled. (she even became my facebook friend and a flickr contact! wowza) The picture at left is a sketch I did of an elk cow and her calf who were wading in Sierra Blanca lake, with a huge herd nearby. Gorgeous drives, hummingbirds that fed from my boys hands, butterflies in droves. Great Blue Herons, Osprey, afternoon thunderstorms. What more delights could one wish for? Okay, in truth, I didn't sleep well & never caught a fish, but everything else was gravy! If you want a better view of my sketch, just click on it.

Photos of the gorgeous White Mountain landscapes, flowers and wildlife can be found at my flickr stream, here; 

There are two 'collections' on the right side where you can find them quickly.